jueves, 14 de marzo de 2013

Flickering Lights

Josheph Gordon Levitt (hitRECord) ha creado uno de los cortos más bonitos que hemos visto últimamente. Quizás sea porque a nosotros también nos fascinan esas lucecitas parpadeantes, pero la verdad es que el texto es literatura y las imágenes son preciosas. Hoy queremos compartirlo con vosotros y dedicárselo a un buen amigo que cumple años hoy. Felicidades.

give me all the flickering lights!
tiny specs of fluttering rays
and city glitters shimmering
but only from far away.

i want them all it's an addiction
i want the christmas lights buried in snow
and the blips in science fiction
films from years ago.

give me all the night sky's twinkling sprinkles
and the red pulsing eyes
on tvs that standby
fading, flirting in and out
like a game of cat and mouse.

bits of foil in the distance
blowing kisses from the sun to me and
showing no resistance to the photons
that consistently pass notes on
from one lover to the other
like cupids tiny brothers.
give me all the flickering lights.

light every candle and wave every phone
glinting and bleeping and
imprintining glowing circuses
that linger while I'm sleeping.

an orchestra of weeping light
swan singing like star crossed choirs
who play themselves to me
all night.

by wirrow

1 comentario:

miguel dijo...

pelicula apuntada! Y gracias ¡, esto de cumplir 40 es raro, pero con buenos amigos cerca, todo es mas sencillo.
